My home based workshops are currently on hold but please contact me if you are interested in being kept in touch for future dates.
With over thirty years experience of weaving I enjoy the opportunity
of sharing ideas, techniques and stories through teaching. I
give talks and run workshops around the UK for guilds and host venues including Weavers Bazaar, Selvedge and the Embroiderers Guild.
I also run a regular programme of two day workshops for small groups from my home based studio in Edinburgh. They offer some time out to learn, socialise and be creative in relaxed surroundings.
For more details please contact me directly.

This two day introductory workshop is suitable for beginners or those who want to refresh their weaving technique. Over the two days you will be learning the basic techniques of how to put a warp on the frame, choosing yarns to weave, creating simple shapes,controlling tension and learning how to cut off and finish your tapestry.
Frames and materials provided.
Fee: £170

This two day workshop is inspired by the Bauhaus tapestry weavers. It is suitable for those with some experience. Understanding how to balance and blend colour is fundamental to tapestry weaving. This workshop is an exercise in colour design.
Frames and materials provided.
Fee: £170

This two day workshop is suitable for those with some experience who may want to develop their techniques and design ideas further. We will be looking at how to create the lines,marks and textures in weave by a careful mixing of yarns and colours.
Frames and materials provided.
Fee: £170

The emphasis over this weekend workshop will be on design rather than weaving. It is an opportunity for you to explore and develop ideas you may already have for a tapestry or to find a new approach altogether. The focus will be on generating ideas and playing is an important part of design.
Materials provided.
Fee: £170